# Reference

Responses are by default returned in snake case. Add accept header application/json+camelcase to receive the response in camel case. Requests are accepted in either snake case or camel case.

# Authorization

# Creatable

Property Type Description Optional
number string External reference provided by Merchant
amount number Authorization amount Yes
currency Currency Authorization currency
card Card token or Card.Creatable Card credentials. When using using Google Pay or Apple Pay, provide the card credentials specified in the payment token.
token_details Token Details Details about the payment token when using Google Pay or Apple Pay as payment method. Yes
descriptor string Dynamic descriptor. Recognizable business name that will appear on the customer’s card or bank statement. Yes
descriptor_city string Dynamic descriptor. City from which the transaction originated. Yes
  • "purchase"
  • "account-to-account"
  • "person-to-person"
  • "topup"
  • "tip"
  • "unref-refund"
Defaults to "purchase"

purchase - used for all regular e-commerce transactions

account-to-account - used for funding of the cardholder’s own account at the same or a different financial institution (both Visa and MC)

person-to-person - transferring funds to another individual’s account (both Visa and MC)

topup/tip - used for Intergiro BaaS transactions

unref-refund - used for creating unreferenced refunds

capture "auto" Indicates if authorization should be automatically captured.
browser Browser Yes
contact Contact Yes
sender Contact Required for account-to-account and person-to-person categories.

Full name (first and last), address, account number and account type are required.

receiver Contact Required for account-to-account and person-to-person categories.

Full name (first and last), address, account number and account type are required.

target string Callback url used for automated integrations (when intergiro 3ds is used). Yes
recurring Recurring Yes
  • "low-value"
  • "scp"
"low-value" should only be set when Intergiro 3ds service is used. Yes
billing_address Address Required when AVS authentication should be used for the transaction. Cardholder name is also required when using AVS authentication. Yes
wallet Wallet Yes

# Authorization

Property Type Description Optional
id string Intergiro auth id to be used when e.g. canceling or capturing
merchant string Intergiro merchant id
number string External tx reference provided by Merchant Yes
reference string Scheme dependent external reference number
created DateTime
amount number
currency Currency
card Card
token_type apple-pay or google-pay yes
descriptor string Dynamic descriptor. Recognizable business name that will appear on the customer’s card or bank statement. Yes
descriptor_city string Dynamic descriptor. City from which the transaction originated. Yes
recurring Recurring Yes
history History[]
change Change[] Yes
capture Capture[]
refund Refund[]
void DateTime Yes
status Status
  • "purchase"
  • "account-to-account"
  • "person-to-person"
  • "topup"
  • "tip"
  • "unref-refund"
fraudio Fraudio Risk evaluation object. Yes
processor Processor Information about the processor response. Yes
wallet Wallet Yes

# Status

Object containing the latest status of the transaction.

Property Type Description Optional
authorized number Total authorized Yes
cancelled number Total cancelled Yes
captured number Total captured Yes
refunded number Total refunded Yes
settled number Total settled Yes

# Recurring

Recurring indicator on an authorization can be used in the following ways:

  • Card verifiation use case: "initial"
  • Cardholder initiated transaction: { type: "subsequent"; reference: string; initiator: "cardholder"}
  • Merchant initiated transaction: { type: "subsequent"; reference: string; initiator: "merchant"}

# Change

# Creatable

Property Type Optional
number string Yes
amount number Yes

# Change

Property Type Description Optional
number string Yes
created DateTime
amount number

# Capture

# Creatable

Property Type Description Optional
number string Merchants capture reference Yes
amount number Amount must not exceed authorized amount. Yes
descriptor number Cardholder account statement descriptor Yes

# Capture

Property Type Description Optional
number string Merchants capture reference Yes
created DateTime
reference string Yes
approved DateTime Yes
amount number
auto true Yes
settlement Settlement.Transaction Yes
descriptor string Cardholder account statement descriptor Yes
status string "approved", "settled"

# Card

# Creatable

Property Type Description Optional
pan string Card PAN - Primary Account Number. Includes 12-19 characters, no spaces allowed. No
expires [number,number] [month, year] where month is 1 to 12 and year is 0 to 99 No
csc string Yes
verification Verification Yes
client {ip?: string} Yes
cardholder_name string The name of the cardholder. Required when AVS authentication should be used for the transaction. Yes

# Verification

Property Type Description Optional
type "method" or "challenge" yes
data 3DS data

# 3DS Data

3DS data will always be returned in camel case as these are standard names.

Property Type Description Optional
acsTransID string yes
authenticationValue string
dsTransID string
messageVersion "2.1.0" or "2.2.0"
messageType "RReq" or "ARes"
eci string
threeDSServerTransID string
transStatus "Y", "N", "U", "A", "C" or "R"

# Card

Property Type Description Optional
scheme Scheme Card scheme
iin string First 6 digits of card PAN
last4 string Last 4 digits of card PAN
expires [number,number] [month, year] where month is 1 to 12 and year is 0 to 99
type string "debit" or "credit" Yes
csc string "matched", "mismatched" or"present" Yes

# Token Details

Property Type Description Optional
type "google-pay" | "apple-pay" Type of token.
eci string Yes
cryptogram string The 3DS cryptogram provided by the digital wallet. It must be encoded in base64 format (40 bytes). If not provided, 3DS is required. Yes

# Refund

# Creatable

Property Type Optional
number string Yes
amount number Yes
descriptor number Yes

# Refund

Property Type Description Optional
number string Yes
created DateTime
reference string
approved DateTime Yes
amount number
descriptor string Yes
settlement Settlement.Transaction Yes
status string "approved", "settled"

# History

History can be of type Create, Capture, Refund, Settlement, Verification or Void. Each type extends type Base.

# Base

Property Type Description Optional
merchant string
number string
date DateTime
type "create" | "capture" | "refund" | "settlement" | "verification" | "void"
status "fail" | "success" | "pending"
fraudio Fraudio Risk evaluation object. Yes

# Create

History.Create is of type Fail, Success or Pending.

# Fail

Property Type Description Optional
type "create"
status "fail"
amount number Yes
currency Currency Yes
card Card Yes
descriptor string Yes
recurring Recurring Yes
verification "verified" | "rejected" | "unavailable" Yes
rule string[] Yes
reason Error Code
error Error

# Success

Property Type Description Optional
type "create"
status "success"
verification "verified" | "rejected" | "unavailable" Yes

# Pending

Property Type Description Optional
type "create"
status "pending"
amount number Yes
currency Currency Yes
card Card Yes
descriptor string Yes
recurring Recurring Yes
rule string[]
reason "verification required"

# Capture and Refund

History.Capture and History.Refund are of type Fail or Success.

# Fail

Property Type Description Optional
type "capture" | "refund"
status "fail"
amount number
currency Currency
reason Error Code
error Error

# Success

Property Type Description Optional
type "capture" | "refund"
status "fail"
amount number
currency Currency
reference string

# Settlement

Property Type Description Optional
type "settlement"
status "success"
operation string
reference string
payout Date

# Verification

History.Verification is of type Fail, Success or Pending.

# Fail

Property Type Description Optional
type "verification"
status "fail"
step "preauthorization" | "authorization" | "postauthorization"
target string Yes
browser Browser Yes
contact Contact Yes
items number | Item | Item[] Yes
currency Currency Yes
recurring Recurring Yes
reason Error Code
error Error

# Success

Property Type Description Optional
type "verification"
status "success"
step "postauthorization" | "authorization"
target string Yes
browser Browser Yes
contact Contact Yes
items number | Item | Item[] Yes
currency Currency Yes
recurring Recurring Yes

# Pending

Property Type Description Optional
type "verification"
status "pending"
step "postauthorization" | "authorization"
target string Yes
browser Browser Yes
contact Contact Yes
items number | Item | Item[] Yes
currency Currency Yes
recurring Recurring Yes

# Void

History.Void is of type Fail or Success.

# Fail

Property Type Description Optional
type "verification"
status "fail"
reason Error Code
error Error

# Success

Property Type Description Optional
type "verification"
status "success"

# Fraudio

The Fraudio type is for risk evalution.

Property Type Description Optional
score number Value between 0 and 1. The higher the score the higher the risk.
recommendation "green" | "yellow" | "red" Fraudio's recommendation.
id string
threshold number Value between 0 and 1. Yes
model string Yes
notes string Yes
transaction string Yes

# Processor

The Processor contains information given by the processor.

Property Type Description Optional
mid string Processor merchant id.
entry "e-commerce" | string
reference Reference
response Response
code string Authorization Code.
eci string Yes

# Response

Property Type Description Optional
avs string The result of the AVS authentication. yes
avs_result_code string AVS result code from mastercard or visa. Only available for live transactions. yes
code string Issuer response code.
csc string The result of csc verification.
csc_result_code string CSC result code from mastercard or visa. yes
description string Issuer response code description.

# Reference

Property Type Description Optional
transaction string Transaction id from the processor.
retrieval string Retrieval reference number.
scheme string Transaction id from mastercard or visa.