# Reference

# Merchant

Property Type Description Optional
id string
number string Yes
type "test" | "live"
agent string
reference string
descriptor string Yes
name string
currency Currency
reconciliation Reconciliation
country Alpha2
categoryCode string
rules Rules

# Rules

Property Type Description Optional
master string Rules set by acquirer Yes
string string Rules other than those set by acquirer Yes

How to write rules

# Functions

Property Type Description Optional
string Detail

# Detail

Property Type Description Optional
description Description yes
definition string
arguments string[]

# Description

Property Type Description Optional
arguments Record<string,string> yes
example Record<string,string> yes
summary string yes

# Reconciliation

Property Type Description Optional
account Account or Record<Currency or "default", Account>
costPlus true Yes
fees Fee Yes
reserves { percentage: number; days?: number } Yes

# Account

An account is either a string or the following data type.

Property Type Description Optional
bic string
iban string
local string yes

# Fee

Property Type Description Optional
Operation number
Alpha2 Transaction
eea Transaction Yes
other Transaction

# Operation

String set as "authorization", "capture", "refund", "void" or "all".

# Transaction

Property Type Description Optional
scheme { debit: { percentage: number; minimum?: number } credit: { percentage: number; minimum?: number } } | { percentage: number; minimum?: number }