# Rules

A Rules object is of type Record<string, Rule[]>. The key specifies who has made the rule. The key can for example be "merchant", "agent" or "master".

A merchant can have rules added to them. These rules can control if authorizations, captures, refunds or voids get rejected based on some criteria. Read more of how to write a Rule.

Merchant rules can be updated simultaneously with merchant information with a PATCH call or seperatly with a PATCH or PUT call to merchant/merchant_id/rule.

The Rules specified by the key "master" are rules set up by the acquirer. A PUT call replaces the Record with the rules from the body, while a PATCH call only replaces the array with the same property name as the one in the body.

# Patch rules

Only a private or agent bearer token is authorized to make this call.

Example PATCH request:


PATCH /v1/merchant/:id/rule

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <private.api.key> or <agent.api.key>

    "agent": ["reject refund if merchant.refundable<0"],
    "merchant": [
        "reject capture if !authorization.currency:(EUR|SEK)",
        "reject capture if authorization.currency:(EUR) merchant.captured > 25000",
        "reject capture if authorization.currency:(SEK) merchant.captured > 250000"

# Put rules

Only an acquirer can make this call (agent access token with id="master").

Example PUT Rule request:


PUT /v1/merchant/:id/rule

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <master access_token>

    "master": ["reject capture if merchant.captured > 250000"],
    "agent": ["reject refund if merchant.refundable<0"]

# How to write a Rule

A Rule is a string that can be parsed and divided into the folloing parts.

action operation if condition

Example rule:

"reject capture if merchant.captured > 250000"

A rule always applies to an authorization state. An "authorization" operation is applied to the PreAuthorization State, e.g. The Rule "reject authorization if merchant.captured > 250000" will be used to possibly reject an authorization attempt. Whereas, all other operations ("capture", "refund" and "void") are applied to the PostAuthorization State.

# Condition

A condition can be written as a boolean expression or as Functions for more human readable rules. Read more of how to write Functions.

Operator Description Example
. Property of merchant.captured
+ Addition merchant.refundable + 2500
- Subtraction merchant.settled - 100
* Multiplication merchant.captured * 2
: Equal to merchant.scheme:visa
! Not !authorization.verification:verified
...* Ends with authorization.created:2021-05-31*
has(...) Has property authorization:has(currency)
< Less than merchant.refundable < -3000
<= Less than or equal to authorization.captured.amount <= 5000
> Greater than authorization.amount > 225
>= Greater than or equal to merchant.captured >= 250000
| Or !authorization.currency:(EUR) | !authorization.card.csc:present
And !authorization.recurring:subsequent !authorization.card.csc:present

Spacing is important when writing a condition.

When writing 20-12-24 is a string whereas 20 - 12 - 24 is a number.

Space can also be used as an AND-operator to chain several conditions together.

# Extended State

Depending on which guards are set on a merchant, the PreAuthorization on which the rules apply, will contain additional information regarding the transaction under the field authorization.

# Iin

The iin Guard will add information about the country of the card issuer on the authorization.card property on the PreAuthorization.

Property Type Description Optional
country Alpha2 Yes

Example of the information added to the PreAuthorization:

    "authorization": {
        "card": {
            "country": "SE"

Example Rule:

reject authorization if authorization.card.country:within(SE, NO, FI, DK)

# IpCountry

The ipCountry Guard will add information about the country of the card holders ip on the authorization.ip.country property on the PreAuthorization.

Property Type Description Optional
country Alpha2 Yes

Example of the information added to the PreAuthorization:

    "authorization": {
        "ip": {
            "country": "SE"

Example Rule:

reject authorization if authorization.ip.country:within(SE, NO, FI, DK)

# Card

The card Guard will add information about the history of card being used with a merchant, this information will be added on the authorization.card property on the PreAuthoirzation.

Property Type Description Optional
amount LastDays Total amount for tha past 1-5 days (converted to merchant's currency) Yes
transactions LastDays Number of transaction for the past 1-5 days Yes

Example of the information added to the PreAuthorization:

    "authorization": {
        "card": {
            "amount": {
                "last1days": 6.53,
                "last2days": 14.7,
                "last3days": 25.45,
                "last4days": 25.45,
                "last5days": 33.2
            "transactions": {
                "last1days": 1,
                "last2days": 2,
                "last3days": 3,
                "last4days": 3,
                "last5days": 4

Example Rules:

reject authorization if authorization.card.amount.last3Days>500

reject authorization if authorization.card.transactions.last4Days>10

# Email

The email Guard will add information about the history of emails being used with a merchant, this information will be added on the authorization property on the PreAuthorization.

Note that email must always be set on contact.email on the verification creatable when creating the verification for this rule to apply.

Property Type Description Optional
amount LastDays Total amount accosiated with an email for tha past 1-5 days (converted to merchant's currency) Yes
transactions LastDays Number of transaction accosiated with an email for the past 1-5 days Yes
card LastDays Number of transaction an email has been used in combination with the card for the past 1-5 days Yes

Example of the information added to the PreAuthorization:

    "authorization": {
        "email": {
            "amount": {
                "last1days": 15.5,
                "last2days": 15.5,
                "last3days": 33.4,
                "last4days": 33.4,
                "last5days": 70.25
            "transactions": {
                "last1days": 1,
                "last2days": 1,
                "last3days": 2,
                "last4days": 2,
                "last5days": 3
            "card": {
                "last1days": 1,
                "last2days": 1,
                "last3days": 1,
                "last4days": 1,
                "last5days": 2

Example Rules:

reject authorization if authorization.email.amount.last3Days>500

reject authorization if authorization.email.transactions.last4Days>10

reject authorization if authorization.email.card.last4Days>3

# LastDays

Property Type
last1days number
last2days number
last3days number
last4days number
last5days number