# Create

# Create

GET flow

The black boxes are endpoints, the orange squares are switches, purple is the iframe, red and green are the endstate result.

# 3D Secure

To perform 3D Secure an Iframe must be rendered in the cardholder browser for the purpose of authentication.

Include an iframe in the html body. (in our example we use the class hidden to set display: none; through css.)

<iframe id="verification" class="hidden"></iframe>

# Authorization

The first step in the verification cycle is to post an Authorization creatable to the Authorization create endpoint. The response can lead to three cases:

  • Success Status 201: succesful authorization
  • Fail Status 400 and verification required: follow the steps in Verification
  • Fail Status 400 or other Status: failed authorization
async function authorize() {
  const [status, body] = await post(baseUrl + "/authorization", key, authorization)
  switch (status) {
    case 200:
      alert("success: " + JSON.stringify(body, undefined, 2))
    case 400:
      if (body.error == "verification required")
        alert("failed: " + JSON.stringify(body))
      alert("failed: " + JSON.stringify(body))

In this example the function post is defined as:

async function post(url, key, body) {
  const response = await fetch(url, {
    method: "POST",
    headers: new Headers(
        Authorization: key,
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: JSON.stringify(body),
  return [response.status, response.headers.get("Content-Type")?.startsWith("application/json") ? await response.json() : await response.text()]

# Verification

Post a verification creatable to the verification endpoint.

The response can lead to three cases:

  • Success Status 201: succesful verification, close iframe by setting class to hidden and put the response body in the property authorization.card.verification and post to the authorization endpoint.
  • Fail Status 400 and verification required: Follow the steps in iframe
  • Fail Status 400 or other Status: failed verification
async function verify() {
  const [status, body] = await post(baseUrl + "/verification", key, {
    items: authorization.amount,
    number: authorization.number,
    currency: authorization.currency,
    card: authorization.card,
    browser: { parent: window.location.origin }
  const iframe = document.getElementById("verification")
  switch (status) {
    case 201:
      authorization.card.verification = body
      await authorize()
    case 400:
      if (body.error == "verification required" && body.content.details.method == "GET") {
        iframe.classList.replace("hidden", body.content.details.visible ? "visible" : "hidden")
        iframe.src = body.content.details.url + "&parent=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.origin)
      } else
        alert("failed: " + JSON.stringify(body))
      alert("failed: " + JSON.stringify(body))

# Iframe

Check body.content.details.visible of the response body from the verification endpoint response. Make the iframe visible if true and invisible if false. Set the src of the iframe to body.content.details.url.

const iframe = document.getElementById("verification")
iframe.classList.replace("hidden", body.content.details.visible ? "visible" : "hidden")
iframe.src = body.content.details.url 

Create an event listener that will listen to a message sent by the verification iframe. Put the data from the event as the response property on the verification creatable and continue with the Verification steps above.

window.addEventListener("message", async e => {
  if (e.data.destination == "parent" && e.data.content.name == "card") {
    const iframe = document.getElementById("verification")
    iframe.class = "hidden"
    authorization.card.verification = JSON.parse(e.data.content.value)
    await verify()

For a full example click here and add your public api key to the const key in the code. To access the github repository with the full example, click here.