# Reference

# Verification Creatable

Property Type Description Optional
number string
items number | Item | Item[]
response Response Defined below Yes
version "2.1.0" | "2.2.0" Specified in verification required error
browser Browser Yes
currency Currency
card Signed JWT or Card.Creatable
recurring Recurring Yes
contact Contact Yes
target string iframe target url
category "purchase" | "withdrawal" Yes

Response can be defined in two ways:

  • {type: "method" | "challenge" | "pares"; data: string | Record<string, any>} or
  • {type: "method"; ThreeDSServerTransID: string; timeout: true }

# Verification

Verification can be defined in two ways:

For a pares:

Property Type Description
type "pares"
data Pares

where Pares is defined as

Property Type Description Optional
cavv string
xid string
eci string "0", "1", "2", "5", "6" or "7"
status string "Y", "U", "A", "N"
amount number Yes
cavv_algorithm string Yes
currency Currency Yes
last4 string Yes
merchant_id string Yes
category "purchase" | "withdrawal" Yes


For method or challange

Property Type Description
type "method" | "challenge"
data { authentication: string; status: "A" | "N" | "U" | "Y" | "C" | "R"; reference: { server: string ; directory: string }}} server is the threeDSServerTransID and the directory is the dsTransID

# Verification required error

If you receive a verification required error, 3D secure needs to be performed.

# Method

HTTP 400 Bad Request
  "status": 400,
  "type": "malformed content",
  "content": {
    "property": "card",
    "type": "Card.Creatable | Card.Token",
    "description": "verification required",
    "details": {
      "visible": false,
      "method": "POST",
      "url": "https://acs.sandbox.3dsecure.io/3dsmethod",
      "data": {
        "type": "method",
        "threeDSServerTransID": "29673dd1-d33e-40fe-be64-5c68b490904c",
        "messageVersion": "2.2.0"
  "error": "verification required"

Example of a verification required error with type method

# Challenge

HTTP 400 Bad Request
  "status": 400,
  "type": "malformed content",
  "content": {
    "property": "card",
    "type": "Card.Creatable | Card.Token",
    "description": "verification required",
    "details": {
      "visible": true,
      "method": "POST",
      "url": "https://acs.sandbox.3dsecure.io/browser/challenge/manual",
      "data": {
        "type": "challenge",
        "threeDSServerTransID": "d461f105-1792-407f-95ff-9a496fd918a9",
        "acsTransID": "13521d57-581c-44d0-b321-40c58a9cf74e",
        "messageVersion": "2.2.0",
        "messageType": "CReq",
        "challengeWindowSize": "01"
  "error": "verification required"

Example of a verification required error with type challenge