# Functions

Functions can be used as a condition in a Rule to silmplify writing rules and to make them more human readable. An agent bearer API-key is needed to create, change and list Functions.

Name Arguments True if...
currencyOtherThan Country authorization currency is something other than the specified currency
cscMissing not a subsequent payment and the card csc is absent
verificationThreshold number authorization amount is greater than the argument, the authorization is not yet verified and it is not a subsequent recurring payment
sanctionedCardCountry issuer country is a sanctioned country
cardCountryNotEEA issuer country is not an EEA country
sanctionedIpCountry the country of the card holder ip is a sanctioned country
ipCountryNotEEA the country of the card holder is not an EEA country
recurring the authorization is a recurring payment
recurringNotVerified the authorization is a recurring payment and is not yet verified
fraudio fraudio recommends blocking the transaction

# How to write Functions

The Functions object is of type Record<string, Detail> where the key is the name of the function and the value is an object which contains some detailed information about the function.

The Detail object includes:

  • The definition field works the same as a Rule condition. This is a boolean expression, created using information from:
  • The arguments field is a list of all arguments used in the function.
  • The Description field is optional and can include a summary of the function, a description of each argument used in the function and examples of how to use the function.

Example of a Functions object that sets a limit on the amount and currency for a transaction:

   "currencyOtherThan": {
        "definition": "!authorization.currency:value",
        "arguments": ["currency"],
        "description": {
                "currency": "The allowed currency of a transaction."
            "example": {
                "currencyOtherThan(EUR)": "!authorization.currency:EUR",
                "currencyOtherThan(SEK)": "!authorization.currency:SEK"
            "summary": "Currency limitation on a transaction."

Example rules:

"reject authorization if currencyOtherThan(EUR)"

"reject authorization if cscMissing()"

# Create

Example request:


POST /v1/merchant/functions

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <agent.api.key>

   "currencyOtherThan": {
        "definition": "!authorization.currency:value",
        "arguments": ["currency"],
        "description": {
                "currency": "The allowed currency of a transaction."
            "example": {
                "currencyOtherThan(EUR)": "!authorization.currency:EUR",
                "currencyOtherThan(SEK)": "!authorization.currency:SEK"
            "summary": "Currency limitation on the transactions."

# Change

Example request:


PUT /v1/merchant/functions

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <agent.api.key>

    "verificationThreshold": {
        "definition": "authorization.amount>threshold !authorization.verification:verified !authorization.recurring.type:subsequent",
        "arguments": ["threshold"],
        "description": {
                "threshold": "Maximum amount allowed for a transaction without requiring verification.",
            "example": {
                "verificationThreshold(300)": "authorization.amount>300 !authorization.verification:verified !authorization.recurring.type:subsequent",
                "verificationThreshold(500)": "authorization.amount>500 !authorization.verification:verified !authorization.recurring.type:subsequent"
            "summary": "Amount limitation for a transaction without requiring verification."

# List

Example request:


GET /v1/merchant/functions

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <agent.api.key>

Example response body:

   "currencyOtherThan": {
        "definition": "!authorization.currency:value",
        "arguments": ["currency"],
        "description": {
                "currency": "The allowed currency of a transaction."
            "example": {
                "currencyOtherThan(EUR)": "!authorization.currency:EUR",
                "currencyOtherThan(SEK)": "!authorization.currency:SEK"
            "summary": "Currency limitation on the transactions."
    "verificationThreshold": {
        "definition": "authorization.amount>threshold !authorization.verification:verified !authorization.recurring.type:subsequent",
        "arguments": ["threshold"],
        "description": {
                "threshold": "Maximum amount allowed for a transaction without requiring verification.",
            "example": {
                "verificationThreshold(300)": "authorization.amount>300 !authorization.verification:verified !authorization.recurring.type:subsequent",
                "verificationThreshold(500)": "authorization.amount>500 !authorization.verification:verified !authorization.recurring.type:subsequent"
            "summary": "Amount limitation for a transaction without requiring verification."